Open  Your Eyes and Your Mind

Copyright © 2014

- The Rise of Cultural Libertarianism

- Obama Invites ‘Clock Kid’ to White House, Ignores Students Suspended For U.S. Flag

- While they wage war on cops, Black Lives Matter thugs get welcome at the White House

- One FOMC Member Forecasts Negative Interest Rates Are Coming To The US

- Hungarian Military Intelligence Boss: Muslim Refugee Crisis Endangers Europe

- 13-Year-Old Black Kid Lays The Smack Down On Obama In Epic Rant

- Fiorina Destroys Planned Parenthood And Dem Enablers During #GOPDebate

- Berlin police kill known Islamic extremist after he stabbed officer in street

- Syrian army starts using new weapons from Russia

- CIA confirmed Oswald contacted Cubans, Soviets before assassination

- Euro Architect Warns EU Bosses Against Superstate by Stealth

- The American Disease: I Deserve to Get Away with Anything and Everything

- NFL star player unloads on Black Lives Matter after ‘cheap thug’ used his image

- Migrant Crisis: What You Need to Know

- Why Global Elite Are Using Refugee Crisis To Destroy Europe

- Nobel Laureate Signals Worried, Fearful U.S. Markets: “Financial Bubble Ready to Burst”

- The U.S. Dollar Is Gaining Like It’s the 1980s — For Better or Worse

- CIA releases tranche of secret documents, but keeps juiciest nuggets classified

- 60 U.S. Police Departments Have Asked for Drone Certification

- It takes 9 cops to detain US teen for jaywalking

- Obama Is Employing Psychologists to Fundamentally Transform the Minds of All Americans

- U.S. ‘Justice’ Department Proclaims Big Banks Have A License To Steal

- China reportedly compiling 'Facebook' of U.S. government employees

- Texans May Have Ballot Question to “Reassert Its Status As Independent Nation”

- Fiorina sings the praises of Islam, Ottoman Empire 'greatest civilization'

- Elusive crime wave data shows frightening toll of illegal immigrant criminals

- Ep. 492 Lew Rockwell and Tom on the Second GOP Debate, 2015

- “The Russians are Coming“

- In Thrall to the Federal Reserve

- Putin: Friend or Foe in Syria?

- The Weak and Utterly Dependent Economy

- Thalys Amsterdam-Paris train evacuated after armed man locks himself in toilet - reports

- End of Schengen? EU countries toughen border control

- Israel approves use of sniper fire against Palestinian rock-throwers

- Slovenia halts rail traffic to stop refugee inflow from Croatia

- ‘Kiev persecuting media reporting truth’

- Israeli nuclear program resolution voted down by IAEA

- ‘Poroshenko is building a dictatorship!’ Ukraine’s Radical Party leader calls for impeachment

- ‘Scientific bonanza’: New NASA images reveal Pluto’s giant ice mountains, hazy world

- FBI agents arrest friend of accused Charleston church shooter

- Obamacare takes another hit as federal court rules against birth control mandate

- MI5 chief backs new powers for spy agencies

- This Is What Yellen Said About Negative Rates Coming To The US

- Peter Schiff: "Once Again Fed's Bark Fails To Live Up To Its Bite"

- War Is The Health Of The State - Protecting Yourself From "Financial Tyranny"

- "We Will Have A Downturn", Dalio Warns, Return To QE Inevitable

- Vote With Your Feet: Free States Are Happier & Richer

- Yellen Responds To Allegations The Fed Is Responsible For America's Record Wealth Gap

- Germany seeks ban on GMOs to protect its citizens

- Rainbow Doritos the latest absurd example of corporate #gaywashing

- Informed parents, doctors and lawmakers fight mandatory HPV vaccination law in RI

- Nearly 50 million Americans now on food stamps

- 1 in 3 America children and teens eat fast food daily

- Every EU project ‘on verge of collapsing’

- ‘US conducting proxy bombing campaign in Yemen’

- CNN tried to destroy Trump with vaccine autism question, but he gave this response

- Monsanto money letter to Kevin Folta emerges

- Rand Paul begins shilling for Monsanto

- Stock market is 50% to 80% overvalued; experts warn historical crash now imminent

- Leaked documents reveal government blueprint for destroying online reputations

- Special Report: The New Clinton Chronicles 2015

- Poll: Over 80 Percent of Syrians Believe US Created ISIS

- Illegal Sentenced to 10 Years Probation After Killing Texas Man

- U.S. Boots on the Ground in Syria

- Cop Who Paralyzed Grandfather For No Reason Remains Unpunished After Mistrial

- House Dem Wants 9/11 Docs On Saudi Arabia Declassified

- Europe's Refugee Crisis: Violence, Demands, and Muslim Conquest

- Excluding Syrian army from fighting ISIS is absurd

- What Are Your Chances of Surviving An Economic Collapse?

- Danish Fighters Intercept Russian Bombers Over Baltic in 'Normal Procedure'

- Israeli forces storm courtyard of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem

- Taliban storms Afghan jail with suicide bombers, releases over 350 prisoners

- Congress Fiddles While the Economy Burns

- Are Neocons Losing Their Mojo?

- 3-D Printing vs. Factory Jobs

- How to End the Refugee Flood

- Peter Dale Scott Explains the Secret Cheney Operation on 9/11

- U.S.-NATO Military Interventions Caused Europe’s Migrant Disaster

- "Psychopaths Are Running The World" Former Marine Blows Whistle On Syrian False Flag

- Egyptian forces ‘hunting ISIS’ shoot Mexicans by mistake

- Germany halts trains from Austria, introduces border controls

- US ‘Dragoon Crossing’ convoy kicks off its controversial tour in E. Europe

- Refrigerated truck containing refugees stopped in Austria

- US cops caught on film joking about shooting suspects

- Bomb alert at Pentagon parking lot disrupts metro service

- Sky Finds 'Handbook' For EU-Bound Migrants

- Al Qaeda Calls For Lone Wolf Attacks On West

- Thousands more migrants on their way into Austria: police

- Interstate 'Serial Shootings' Suspect Seized

- 10,000 Syrians Are Headed For The Following 180 US "Refugee Processing Centers"

- A Refugee Crisis Made In America

- An Angry China May Cancel Xi Trip To Washington Over US Cyber Sanctions

- California Confirms 'Roundup' Will Be Labeled "Cancer Causing"

- Lord Of The Flies: Dystopia Is Arriving

- Civil Asset Forfeiture Has Enabled Police To Become The New "Highwaymen"

- Is The Fed Making A Huge "Policy Mistake"?

- The End Of Britain? Martin Armstrong On Jeremy Corbyn's Resurrection Of Marx

- Germans, Czechs Return To "Border Controls" With Austria

- 'We can't take any more!' Germany stops ALL trains from Austria

- BIS fears emerging market maelstrom as Fed tightens

- Fears grow over US stock market bubble

- Traders’ Phones Are Becoming a Zone of Total Surveillance

- Hackers can now hitch a ride on car computers

- David Cameron under fire over EU army stance

- KHAMENEI Threatens AMERICA in NEW YouTube Video – Bombs on US Navy


- 'How can we cope?': Munich overwhelmed by record influx

- As crisis escalates, Berlin says refugees can not choose where to live

- Trump: ‘Lightweight’ Rand Paul doesn’t belong in debate

- Saudi Arabia says it has taken in 2.5 million fleeing Syrians

- GOP: Defund Planned Parenthood even if it didn’t break the law

- Social Engineering 101: How to Make a Refugee Crisis

- Further Details Emerge on the Epic U.S. Foreign Policy Disaster that is Syria

- A Major Bank Just Made Global Financial “Meltdown” Its Base Case

- Five Fascinating Signs That Indicate a Recession Is Imminent

- The Clinton Campaign Is Literally Collapsing

- Virginia Deputies Tell Woman “We Are Your Friends” Before Killing Her on Video

- Why Diet Coke is BAD for you





- Colorado county government abducts non-verbal 36-year-old college graduate

- Bolivia kicks out US Drug Enforcement Agency; drug crime rates immediately plummet

- Why we should raise the minimum wage to $1 million a hour for everyone in America

- Nestle continues pumping California dry to sell public water for outrageous profits

- Democrats and Republicans are both in bed with Monsanto

- Army Special Forces enraged over Obama attacks

- 7 reasons why nothing sticks to Teflon Trump


- Why the U.S. Senate caved on Iran

Articles From The Tip Of The Spear  09/18/2015

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