Open  Your Eyes and Your Mind

Copyright © 2014


- Helping Your Child Survive in the New World Order

- Propaganda Increases Ahead Of A Global Crash Far Worse Than 2008

- The War on Our Citizens: Ex-Baltimore Cop Takes Jesse Ventura Inside Police Corruption

- UK and EU Bank Depositor Bail-In Regime Implemented

- The Agenda 21 Enslavement of Colorado

- Will Chinese Aircraft Carriers Become a 'Nightmare' for US Navy?

- With Little Fanfare, FBI Ramps Up Biometrics Programs (Yet Again)—Part 1

- With Little Fanfare, FBI Ramps Up Biometrics Programs (Yet Again)—Part 2

- GMO crops totally banned in Russia

- Former Merck rep explains how mandatory vaccination is pushed for Big Pharma profit

- Seattle hospital warns parents it might have given HIV to thousands of children over 5 yrs

- Comas, seizures and deaths now coming to RI students as HPV vaccines are mandated

- Rising CO2 levels are re-greening Africa's deserts

- New science paper exposes how corporations censor GMO research they don't like

- Broke U.S. government needs millions of new Obamacare enrollees to prevent collapse

- Polio vaccines causing worldwide surge in childhood paralysis cases

- Blame America? No, Blame Neocons!

- An Email from a Critic Who Lives in a Fantasy World

- Thomas Sowell on Foreign Policy

- Refugee Reflections

- The Implosion of US Military Moral

- A Propertarian Speaks on the Immigration Crisis

- Obama Will "Accept" 100,000 Refugees In The US Starting 2017

- Tsipras and Syriza declare victory in Greece

- Refugee crisis divides Europe amid fresh tragedy

- US ready to take in more refugees: Kerry

- The pope's message in Cuba: In the crisis of change

- PM Kopacz reveals how many refugees Poland will accept

- Foreign Minister Schetyna: Poland cannot lose its reputation

- BiH expects the first refugees

- Nikolic: EU puts refugees pressure on Serbia

- European Commission allocates 24 million euros for the refugee crisis in FYROM

- US airstrikes ineffective, genuinely committed anti-terrorist coalition required

- German fighter jets start patrolling Baltic skies with full ammo

- Pharma firm hikes life-saving drug price by 5,500%

- Muslim can't be elected US president, says GOP candidate Carson

- How Islam is challenging Al Saud’s custodianship of Mecca

- 'Golden Decade' Hopes As Osborne Visits China

- Two American Hostages Freed By Yemen Rebels

- Russia And Iran Urged To Bring Assad To Talks

- Two days later, Sanders draws five times as many people as Clinton

- U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Afghan Allies’ Abuse of Boys

- Pentagon intrigued by breakthrough in cloaking technology

- Thousands more migrants pour into Austria as 13 drown off Turkey

- Refugee crisis to test EU at summit of divided leaders

- Voting drives immigrants to citizenship

- Four out of five migrants are NOT from Syria

- Pope’s visit will produce largest security operation in U.S. history

- FBI Opens Investigation Into Malaysian PM's Goldman-Financed Slush Fund

- FED - Game Over

- Martin Armstrong Warns "Hell Is About To Break Loose"

- Middle-East Migration - The Problem/Opportunity Dilemma

- Soros, Icahn and Major New Players Rushing Into the Gold Sector

- Trump: I’m not ‘morally obligated’ to defend Obama from birthers

- North Carolina Police Chief Fired for Calling Black Lives Matter A “Terrorist Goup”

- Castro Praises Pope’s Anti-capitalism Stance

- WH Lambastes Republicans: Base Holds ‘Offensive Views’

- BBC Strings Lies Together to Propagandize for Assad’s Overthrow

- Radical Islamists Recruit Refugees in Germany

- Paul blasts Clintons for their ‘damn shenanigans’

- As the “Prosperity” Tide Recedes, the Ugly Reality of Wealth Inequality Is Exposed

- House votes to freeze federal funding for Planned Parenthood

- 8 States Support Vermont In Fight Against Monsanto And GMOs

- NOAA Massively Ramps Up Their Temperature Fraud Ahead Of Paris

- Neo-Feudal America – Median Wages for Male Employees Down 5% Since 1973

Articles From The Tip Of The Spear  09/21/2015

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