Open  Your Eyes and Your Mind

Copyright © 2015

- Blue Helmets to Supplant America’s Blue Line




- The Roseburg Massacre and Washington's Incurable Madness

- Just Try and Take Our Guns Mr. President,This Is America’s Line In the Sand

- This is Your Brain. This is Your Brain as a Weapon

- The Next Big Science vs. Church Battle: Can Transhumanism and Christianity Co-Exist?

- When Adam Plays God: Why Transhumanism Won't End Well

- Russia sends in special forces to prop up Assad

- Christians in America Murdered for Their Faith; Media Yawns

- DHS/TSA make mayor give his passwords say he has “no right for a lawyer to be present”

- Stock Market Crash October 2015? 9 Of The 16 Largest Crashes Have Come This Month

- ISIS sliced off 12-year-old Syrian boy's fingertips in front of his father and other Christians

- The 'doomsday' weapon that could wipe out 90% of Americans

- How to Sustain Perpetual War (It’s Easy!)

- Seize the Chaos: Israel, the Neocons, and their Bloody, Blundering 'Art' of War

- War Party Targets Putin and Assad

- Here's a Real Doomsday Turkey For You

- How Salman Khan Has Smashed 3,000 Years of Classroom Education Mythology

- Vice Is Washington’s Signature (Evil has become routine)

- Thomas Sowell Argues Income Inequality And Institutional Racism Aren’t Really Problems

- The Radically Changing Story of the U.S. Airstrike on Afghan Hospital

- A Global Recession Is Coming… and It Won’t Be Pretty

- In Brazil, Free-Market Ideas Rise as the Economy Falls

- Yet another psych drug shooter: Oregon gunman was taking five types of medication

- WE ARE WINNING the clean food wars: Food and beverage companies ditch HFCS

- America's cities will collapse into utter chaos the day the EBT cards stop working

- The Obamacare fact check that no "fact checker" website dare report

- Illegal immigrant kills six in Texas during high-speed police chase

- Why isn't the Obama Administration arrested for altering economic statistics?

- Google has been wooing Obama for nearly a decade, and it's paying off

- Fortress Backs Hundred Million Dollar Subprime, Payday Lender Scheme

- Is Russia Plotting To Bring Down OPEC?

- A "Heroic" Ben Bernanke Blames Congress For Poor Economic Recovery

- The TPP:Permanently Locking In The Obama Agenda For 40% Of The Global Economy

- Russian Embassy Trolls Saudi Arabia On Twitter

- The Phrase That Launches Recessions

- Prominent Permabull Says Correction Not Over Yet, Expect "Final Capitulation"

- Saudi Clerics Call For Jihad Against Russia, Iran; NATO Warns Of Airspace "Violations"

- Is Overmedication The Culprit Behind America's Mass-Killing Spree?

- Did Obama Bomb Doctors Without Borders for Opposing TPP?

- How Revisionism Saves Bernanke

- Rada lets foreigners serve in Ukrainian army

- International organizations demand stronger, faster anti-corruption fight from Ukraine

- Merkel, Hollande to respond to refugee influx

- Free WiFi for refugees

- Massive brawl reported at migrant center in Hamburg

- Opinion: ECJ ruling is a slap in the face for the EU

- German president calls on US to win back lost trust

- Early release for thousands of US drug offenders

- The NATO question: Between Russia and Turkey in the Syrian conflict

- US confirms responsibility for deadly hospital airstrike in northern Afghanistan

- Mi-24 gunboats guarding Russia's hub of anti-ISIS ops in Syria

- ISIS in Syria using mosques as shelters, civilians as shields

- Mom sues police for retaliatory beating in front of her kids during ‘bogus’ traffic stop

- Kunduz hospital mistakenly struck - top US general in Afghanistan

- Russia, US work on agreement to coordinate air operations in Syria

- Russian jets hit 12 ISIS targets in Syria, 'cause panic among extremists'

- Top 500 US companies keep $2.1 trillion where tax collectors can’t get it

- Rough sleeping ban will ‘criminalize most vulnerable’ in Newport

- UK & US blocking ban on killer robots – experts

- ‘Any air campaign in Syria needs to involve ground troops and Assad’

- TPP deal: Why so much secrecy?

- Blame Game: NYT, CNN play it coy naming perp in Afghan hospital bombing

- The NATO-Russia face off in Syria

Articles From The Tip Of The Spear  10/07/2015

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