Open  Your Eyes and Your Mind

Copyright © 2015



- 'America is a bomb waiting to explode'

- Turkey threatens to SHOOT DOWN Putin's planes as it drags West closer to war

- Scientists at Large Hadron Collider hope to make contact with PARALLEL UNIVERSE in days

- Speaking the Truth Is Now a Revolutionary Act Filled With Deadly Consequences

- Would you trust your money to a robot that is a better investor than you?

- The Fall Of The Unipower


- Secret Service to Protect Trump, Carson as Threats Grow

- 362 gunshot victims, 59 murders in Chicago(September) America's strictest gun control city

- Dollar Moves Shake The World: “Federal Reserve Could Start A Currency War”

- Israeli Ambassador: Israel Will Not Turn Over Christian Holy Sites to Radical Islam

- Debt Ceiling Debate: Don’t Mention Warfare/Welfare State!

- CNN Anchor Demands Americans ‘Stop Swooning Over Putin’

- Want to Understand Syria?

- The New Cultural Marxism and the Infantilization of College Students

- Conservatism Is a Total Flop

- US Bureaucrats Are 3rd World

- Belloc’s Prophecy

- The Poor in the US Are Richer than the Middle Class in Much of Europe

- Study: Corporate Media Refuses to Acknowledge Civilian Victims of US Wars

- Blair’s ‘Deal In Blood’ With Bush Over Iraq War Was Forged A YEAR Before Invasion

- Will China’s Upcoming Five Year Plan Unveil A 'Golden' Surprise?

- Clinton Considers Mandatory Gun "Buy-Backs" - Ignites Confiscation Concerns

- Undersize Me? McDonald's Franchise Owners Admit Fast Food Giant "Facing Its Final Days"

- The Sad Fate Of America's Whistleblowers

- "The Bankers Have Gone Through This Before. They Know How It Ends, And It’s Not Pretty"

- Yes, The US Government Really Is Bankrupt

- Trump Says Yellen Keeping Rates Low To Protect Obama

- A Perilous Possibility: Weaponizing The Fed

- German Police Union Chief Demands Building Of Border Fence Around Germany

- The 'Problem' With Bernie Sanders

- Getting History Right - Saving Capitalism From Monetary Mismanagement

- Malaysian Lawmakers Call For No Confidence Vote Against PM Amid Slush Fund Probe

- America's "Inevitable" Revolution & The Redistribution Fallacy

- Saudis Poke The Russian Bear, Start Oil War In Eastern Europe

- US Shocked To Find Russian Machine Gun With Iranian Ammo Attached To Abrams Tank

- US Warships En Route To Islands, China: "What Makes Them Think We Will Tolerate This?"

- China Vs. United States: A Visual Tale Of Two Economies

- Mapping And Cataloguing The History Of ISIS-Inspired Attacks Across The Globe

- Who Will Be Blamed?

- Scientists develop GMO polio viruses as profit-generating cancer treatment

- UK government admits swine flu vaccine causes brain damage

- More US teenagers are killed by Big Pharma than by prohibited drugs, study shows

- Antibiotic-resistant pathogens are now airborne, thanks to CAFO factory farms

- Obama allows a selected list of known terrorists to freely travel in and out of the US

- Americans subject to far worse abuse from government than from criminals and terrorists

- Judge orders citizens to pay for sex-reassignment surgery for imprisoned murderer

- Obama signed executive order declaring government control over the entire Internet

- New Colorado law would fine cops $15,000 for interfering with citizens' right to film them

- Japan displays naval power as US extends home fleet’s operation to entire Pacific

- Syrian jihadists feud & bomb each other over funds as Russian jets destroy supply lines

- Humanitarian catastrophe: UNICEF says 537,000 Yemeni children at risk of malnutrition

- Drones in Turkey, missiles in Iran & ground op in Syria

- Russia and Europe to launch joint mission to dark side of Moon, then build base there

- ‘TTIP is death:’ Over 100 arrested in Brussels at US-EU trade deal protest

- 'Terrorist hacker' from Kosovo faces charges for giving US troops’ IDs to ISIS

- 'Opposition has enough gas:’ Anti-Serbia MPs teargasses Kosovo parliament

- Fox News’ terrorism expert arrested for lying about non-existent CIA career

- Light touch: Treasury softens accountability rules on City bankers

- Moscow doubles down on Washington

- DOJ“Domestic Terrorism” Division,Labels Libertarians, Conservatives “Domestic Extremists”

- Governor Tells Residents of German Town Accepting Migrants: “If You Don’t Like It, Leave!”

- CNN Opinion Piece: Shame People For Saying “He” and “She”

Articles From The Tip Of The Spear  10/19/2015

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