Open  Your Eyes and Your Mind

Copyright © 2015

- Radiation Sensors in Major U.S. Cities Turned Off Because They Don’t Work

- Wal-Mart Symbol of Economic Condition

- Third Russian air strike on Syrian rebel group kills leader

- Russia shrugs off US anxiety over military satellite

- Court decision paves the way for Australian-style gun ban

- Lockheed Martin secretly testing 'supersonic' laser turret for fighter jets

- This is a Tipping Point: Robots “Cheaper Than Any Human Worker” Means the End of Jobs

- Warning sign: Tech companies of All Sizes and Ages Are Starting to Have Layoffs

- Phill Kline, Lost His Law License for Investigating Planned Parenthood, Sues Judge

- As global warming hoax collapses, pushers of counterfeit science turn to fear extremism

- Europe Secretly Starts Imposing TTIP Despite the Public’s Overwhelming Opposition

- Austrian Town of 1,600 Drowns in Migrant Feces and Garbage

- America Looks A Lot Like Nazi Germany Did Just Prior To World War II

- The Islamic Trojan Horse Invasion

- US Army Borrows British Helicopters Amid Budget Cuts

- Irwin Schiff - A 'Most Dangerous Man'

- Things Are Getting Scary: Global Police, Precrime and the War on Domestic ‘Extremists’

- General In Charge Of 'Total Failure' Syrian 'Train And Equip' Program Gets Promotion

- Why Is The US Silently Bombing Syria's Electricity Network?

- Can Trump Be Stopped?

- How to Save a Dying City in Four Steps... Or Maybe Five

- “American Christians Fighting For Religious Reasons? Like Muslims?”

- How the State's "Justice" System Cultivates Predators like Ibn Hunter

- Will The Crazed Neocons Bring Us Nuclear Winter?

- When will the Bank Bubble Burst

- Blackout of Fukushima truth by U.S. media; sailors suffer and die while denial continues

- School shooters rise from the dead to tweet their support for psychiatric drugs

- Believing vaccines are safe because Big Pharma says so

- Watchdog demands investigation into harassment of USDA workers researching GMOs

- GM alfalfa slowly invades farmers' fields, threatening livelihoods and the environment

- Depression drug medical fraud

- Those Monsanto genes

- Donald Trump bashes Bush over 9/11; Obama over Sandy Hook

- UNDENIABLE sign of total stock market bubble

- DARPA creates search engine to expose the dark web to government surveillance

- PM-Elect Of Canada Tells Obama Will Withdraw Fighter Jets From Syria, Iraq

- Confusion, Delusions, & Illusions

- Professor Compares Law-Abiding Gun-Owners To Slaveholders, Calls For Them To Be Shot

- Furious Germans Stage Massive Anti-Islam Protest

- Hillary Would Be The "Most Disliked" President Ever

- 5 Corporations Sucking California Dry During The Drought

- Then It Was BlackRock, Now It's Blackstone But The Result Will Be The Same

- Saudi Arabia Warns Iran: "Stop Meddling In Our Neighborhood!"

- Good Luck, Canada

- A Fatal Accident Waiting To Happen: U.S. Healthcare

- CIA Chief's AOL E-Mail Account Hacked By 13-Year Old

- US and Russia sign off on air safety rules in Syria

- Slovenia gives army expanded powers to tackle refugee crisis

- Opinion: European refugee policy descends into chaos

- Russia nears completion of Arctic military base

- Fingerpointing among EU members over refugee crisis

- Refugees on the wrong side of the fence

- Amnesty spotlights 'hellish reality' of Southeast Asian refugee crisis

- ‘Too many aircrafts in Syrian airspace’

- First time in Europe: US Navy successfully intercepts missiles during war games

- Producer of Russia’s Armata T-14 plans to create army of AI robots

- ‘No back door’: Apple CEO says encryption is ‘a must’ in today’s world

- ‘No customer oversight’: Dreaded cybersecurity bill CISA is back

- Putin meets Assad for talks in Moscow

- High-tech network planned to counter remote-controlled terrorist attacks on UK

- Uber paid no corporation tax in 2014 by ‘exploiting loopholes’

- Russia to outfit Egypt’s Mistral ‘tin can’ warships

- BRICS bank gets its ducks in a row

- Dr. Strangelove is naked

- British authorities possibly 'scared of what Assange has'

- ‘British don’t have a dog in the China-US fight’

Articles From The Tip Of The Spear  10/21/2015

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