Copyright © 2015

- Thermonuclear missile launch near LA is final sign of World War III on the precipice

- Idaho rancher’s wife: ‘I saw them murder my husband’

- Mathematicians, Physicist, IPCC Expert Throw Wrenches Into UN Climate Summit

- Barack Obama is not seeking "legacy"

- How Goldman Sachs Scammed a Utah Program Meant to Help Preschool Children

- Congress Has Been Told WW III Is Inevitable and the US Cannot Win

- Pentagon Asked Why It Took $43 Million To Build 1 Gas Station

- Obama Federalizes Police Forces in Six US Cities

- Obamacare Heading for Life Support

- Blasting Middle East Delusions

- Surprise — Terrorist Leader Caught Hiding Among ‘Migrants’

- Senate Passes Bill to Block Controversial Water Rule

- British Government Confirms Passenger Jet Dodged a Missile in Egypt Earlier This Year

- Top Finance GOP, Dem Agree: 1990s Welfare Reforms Aren’t Working

- Nuclear Experts: Million cancers could result from Fukushima

- The Avoidable Destruction of an Iconic American Industry


- Hammond Family Declared as Terrorist and Sentenced to Five Years in Federal Prison

- Putin targets Libya and Yemen next 'to protect Russian interests'


- Does the Bell Toll for the Fed?

- TSA Trained Disney World in Goofy 'Terrorist Detection' Methods

- Reinventing Guns and Butter Politics for the 21st Century

- Victoria Nuland's Capitol Hill Comedy of Errors

- 35 House Members Ask Speaker Paul Ryan for ISIS War AUMF Vote

- Ron Paul: New House Speaker Paul Ryan is ‘Almost the Opposite of a Libertarian’

- A Warmonger’s Guide to Militarism and Imperialism Under the Guise of“Constitutionalism”

- The Death of Ahmed Chalabi, Part Deux

- ObamaTrade: Total Surrender to the NWO

- Marco Polo on the Mongol State: Taxation, Predation, and Monopolization

- The Stupidification of Reading, for doctors too, says Theodore Dalrymple

- Professor Crushes "Political Correctness" Wave Sweeping America

- Technology, Competition and the 'Crapification' of Jobs

- The End-Point in Financial Credit

- Cannabis oil cures terminal cancer in 3-year-old after pharmaceutical drugs fail miserably

- Gandhi still right after 90 years: Vaccines are toxic, unhealthy and ineffective

- Washington Post columnist admits to spreading GMO propaganda

- Facebook's 'teleporter' the final nail in the coffin for humanity's connection with reality

- Climate scientists urge government to blast Earth's atmosphere with microwave radiation

- Sound levitation technology could be used for medicine

- Evidence of vaccine injuries memory-holed from U.S. government website

- Scientists engineer non-toxic flow batteries using common plant nutrients

- The impacts of genetic engineering: not science, just lies and propaganda

- Big Pharma price gouging scrutinized by Congress

- University officials agree to rip up Constitution in undercover video

- A Digital Team Is Helping Obama Find His Voice Online

- Confirmation of Attack on Russian Jet May Strengthen Putin’s Resolve in Syria

- House Panel Chairman Sees Risk of Bomb on Puerto Rico Flights

- US .01% pay sports teams, reporters to sell unlawful Wars of Aggression to 99.99%

- Every UN Climate Summit Hailed as ‘Last Chance’ To Stop ‘Global Warming’


- Saudi Arabia will not stop pumping to boost oil prices

- U.S. Military Officials Aim to Bolster Troop Presence in Europe

- How a Syrian mountain village was liberated – but ISIS fighters are only 1km away

- ‘Scratch my back’: EU will offer African elite visas & money to stop flood of migrants

- Russia & China are ‘challenging the world order’ – US Defense Sec

- Russia to top UK govt’s new security threat list

- White House says Obama has intel about bomb causing Russian plane crash

- Tuesday's bizarre US Senate hearings about RT

- How easy is it for terrorists to get chemical weapons?

- No Matter How Well Russian Media Expose Western Lies

- Pentagon chief: US needs 'much more' than airstrikes to beat ISIS

- British extremists linked to jet bomb

- Doctors Without Borders: US Planes Shot Staff as They Fled Kunduz Hospital

- Two Cops Face Murder Charges for Killing a 6-year-old

- Yale Student Shrieks At Prof For Denying Her ‘Safe Space’

Articles From The Tip Of The Spear  11/09/2015

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