Copyright © 2015

- Climate Alarmists Demand Wartime Austerity, Rationing, Controls

- This smart TV takes tracking to a new level

- Economic Collapse — The Train Wreck that is Happening Now!

- Paul drops the mic on Donald Trump over China's participation in trade deal

- The Gene Hackers

- Nazi resurgence: Bizarre clog-wearing Hitler cult on rise in rural Germany

- CEO Of Prepares For The Worst

- NATO Admits Afghan Mission Failure


- In tough times, police start seizing a lot more stuff from people

- Savage: Mass medication has 'numbed a generation' of Americans into mindless sheeple

- Extreme radiation on California beach leads nuclear inspectors to abandon duties

- BREAKING: Entire charade of supposed 'racism' at MIZZOU revealed as elaborate HOAX

- Huge Fraud at COMEX Covering Up Huge Demand for Gold

- Methods For Fighting Back Against Collectivist Tyranny

- Chinese Websites Produce Intelligence Windfall


- Christians face being wiped out from the Middle East within TEN YEARS

- How Ukraine’s Finance Chief Got Rich

- Thanking Iraq War Veterans For Their Service

- Will Raiders Linebacker Ray-Ray Armstrong Go to Prison for ‘Taunting’ a Police Dog?

- The President and the Rule of Law

- ObamaTrade Is ObamaCare, But With More Coercion

- America's Cultural Disintegration

- U.S. Military Used Christian NGO as Front for North Korea Espionage

- Suicide has caused more American casualties than wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

- Study author faults ‘lean economic years’ for police property forfeitures

- Gun-Free Zone Hypocrisy

- US Needs Boots on the Ground to ‘Occupy & Govern’ Syrian Territories – Air Force Secretary

- The Most Devious Liars in the Room

- Shocking, Little-Known Facts About Debt

- “Super-Welfare” Guaranteed Income For All Isn’t a Solution–It’s Just the New Serfdom

- Can Russia Withstand Saudi Onslaught In The European Oil Market?

- MIZZOU HUNGER STRIKER Claims He’s Oppressed– Comes From Family Worth $20 Million

- If the Economy is Strong, Why Are These Assets In Full Blown Bear Markets?

- U.S. Dollar: The Barbarous Relic

- Snowden Vindicated As Judge Slams "Unconstitutional, Orwellian" NSA Bulk Spying

- Visualizing The Worst US/NATO Collateral Damage Disasters In History

- Is It Time To Renounce U.S. Citizenship While You Still Can?

- The 60-Second Summary Of Europe's Latest Crisis

- 21 Signs That Americans May Be The Unhappiest People In The World

- Social Security: The Long Slow Default

- The Forced Collective Suicide Of European Nations

- The ECB Should Stop QE Before Draghi Causes A "Financial Crisis"

- A Liberal College Professor Finds Common Ground With The Tea Party

- Why It Absolutely, Positively Does Not Matter

- Russia Floats "Trial Balloon" For "Elections" In Syria

- Martin Armstrong Warns "It May Be Too Late"

- Another Razor Wire Fence Goes Up In European Disunion

- An Almost Perfect Storm Of Incompetence And Felony

- Oakland sues Monsanto for ‘long-standing contamination’ of San Francisco Bay

- Calais residents terrified over 3rd night of clashes between police & migrants

- Russian TV accidentally leaks secret ‘nuclear torpedo’ design

- Fierce blaze devastates Norway refugee shelter amid record migrant influx

- China missile test reignites ‘satellite killer’ fears

- Battle to break ISIS siege of Kweires airbase caught on camera

- Happily disgusted or sadly angered: Can Microsoft guess what you feel – by your photo?

- Obama promises veterans he’s ‘still not satisfied’ with VA health & jobs programs

- Flashback: Veterans Health Administration scandal of 2014

- Sharing germs? Twitter can predict disease outbreaks, give early warning

- 'Russia's campaign against terrorists in Syria inciting retaliation'

- 'Arctic ice breaker: Russia leads America, 27-1'

- Moscow may block IMF lending to Ukraine - Bloomberg source

- Angered Residents Grill Sheriff on Why Deputies Gunned Down Idaho Rancher

- Politician Calls For “Compulsory Labor” to Force Germans to Service Migrants

- ‘How Is It Conservative?’: Rubio, Rand Clash Over Military Spending

Articles From The Tip Of The Spear  11/12/2015

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