Copyright © 2015


- AS PARIS BURNED: Obama Quietly Doubles Processing Centers for Syrian Refugees

- French jets bomb Syria in the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa

- Britain on terror alert: Special forces on the streets of London


- Far-right demonstrators storm candlelit vigil being held for Paris victims

- US Senate Passes Bill Approving Mandatory Vaccinations For Veterans

- ISIS TERROR WARNING: Britain NEXT to be ATTACKED by jihadists, supporters claim

- World Getting Ready for War-Warren Pollock

- Same Song, Second Verse: The Paris Massacre Is a False Flag Event

- The creepy hidden map inside your iPhone that records everywhere you go

- First picture from inside Bataclan shows aftermath of Jihadi attack

- If we don’t IMMEDIATELY do this after the Paris attacks, we deserve the consequences.

- Republican party strong-armed members into approving prescription drug profit program

- Political Correctness Is More Dangerous Than ISIS.

- Paris and What Should Be Done

- The City of Light Falls Dark

- Opting Out: A Small Step for Peace

- Paris: You Don’t Want to Read This

- The Fracas at the University of Missouri

- Homicidal Madness on Friday the 13th

- Justice for Jack Yantis: Don't Leave the Investigation to the "Professionals"

- The Islamic Caliphate Holy Warriors Are Increasing Rapidly

- In Paris Aftermath, Salon’s Chief Concern is Conservatives

- How to Survive a Terrorist Attack

- Paris terrorist identified as Syrian refugee migrant who crossed open borders

- After Paris, ISIS attacks coming to America next... will you be trapped in a 'gun-free zone'?

- How to survive a mass shooting

- Watch: New documentary film exposes water fluoridation as 'Poison on Tap'

- Even the liberal New York Times now admits Obamacare prices are skyrocketing

- Call by global bishops for 'complete decarbonization' of the planet

- White House propaganda running the entire mainstream media

- State Department Counterterrorism Director arrested for trying to have sex with a child

- Carbon nanotubes now being found in childrens' lungs

- Continued antibiotic overuse could cause superbug epidemic

- Scientific evidence linking vaccines to autism exposed

- Liberal censorship training starts early at the University of Texas

- Obama has doubled the national debt to $20 trillion in just 8 years

- UN Human Rights Council led by dictators and leaders of repressive regimes

- Travel FROM any city or TO any city is automatically considered suspicious criminal behavior

- White jurors not allowed to serve in Kentucky

- U.S. Yields to Russia’s Insistence Upon Democracy in Syria

- 10-minute video analysis: Paris false flag to support neo-colonial Middle East policy

- An Open Letter to Bernie Sanders and His Campaign

- 2-minute video: You have no idea what’s really going on, what will happen, and your own   importance, so why not live full self-expression for virtue?

- Russia: 40% of terrorists in Syria are mercenaries from 100 countries

- The Buffet Backlash: Anger Builds At "Hypocrite" Billionaire Hiding Behind "Folksy" Facade

- The First Amendment Is Dying

- Marine WANTS YOU to demand .01% criminal psychopaths’ arrests for obvious War Crimes

- Black Lives Matter Activists: #F*ckParis

- EU Commissioner's Dire Warning: "The Only Alternative To Europe Is War"

- It's Official: Barack Obama Wants To "Help" You Manage Your Retirement Savings

- The Recessions Are Underway

- Obama to Allow 10,000 Migrants Into U.S. Despite Paris Attacks

- Albert Edwards Explains Why The "Global Economy Will Be Thrown Into Chaos"

- The European Union Is Disintegrating

- "We Arrested Some Folks" - How China "Fixed" Its Stock Market

- Obama Claims ISIS “Contained” Day Before Paris Attacks

- CONFIRMED: French Government Knew Extremists BEFORE Attack

- Migrants Sleep on the Streets in Protest at Not Having TVs in Their Rooms

- Dramatic Video Emerges of Terrifying Firefight Between French Police and Terrorist Gunmen

- Government adds record $339 billion to debt in first day after budget deal

- Rebels Have CIA Weapons Capable of Downing Planes Flying Above 10Km Range

- Questions for French security services after it emerges three major intelligence failures     may have let the killers get through

Articles From The Tip Of The Spear  11/16/2015

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