Copyright © 2015

- Kalashnikov bullets found in police raid 'linked' to radical Paris mosque closure

- Trump Didn't Vote to Kill One Million Muslims in Iraq, Hillary Did

- Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul: Hillary Clinton ‘Responsible’ for Islamic State

- The Invisible Collapse And An Ominous Warning About What Is Coming Next Week


- 4 US-led coalition jets seen over Deir ez Zor in Syria day govt troops attacked

- "Obama and the EU criminals want to bring in a 'checkmate' group"

- Russia strikes ISIS targets in Syria from sub in Mediterranean for first time

- The Two Major Reasons Why America Will Burn

- 5 police officers-Trump is RIGHT parts of London being so 'radicalised' they are no-go areas


- Hello, hackable Barbie

- Corporatist Economic Espionage

- Bill permits 193 million more aliens by 2026

- White House launches unprecedented personal attack on Donald Trump

- The Global Economic Reset Has Begun

- Reminder: Jimmy Carter banned all Iranians from entering US

- Congress Plans To Tax and Spy On You More

- Saudis Bomb Doctors Without Borders Hospital in Yemen

- The Vast Majority of Muslims HATE ISIS and Terrorism

- The Saud Family to Select West’s ‘Moderate’ Jihadists Who Will Take Over Syria

- Does Fear Lead To Fascism?

- How the Richest Man in the World Rules the U.S. from Riyadh

- The “American Dream” is Over–and Voters Know It

- Surveillance Lies, their own evil practices inhibit security

- It Must Be Safe. What Could Go Wrong

- Peter Schiff: Government Jobs Report is a Work of Fiction

- After US Bombers Wipe Out Syrian Village, US Will Investigate Itself

- Don't Believe the Hype About Gun Shootings in the US

- Sometimes the Only Thing to Do is Nothing

- ‘Hopefully, no nukes will be needed’ against ISIS – Putin

- Turkey detains & deports Russian journalists investigating ISIS oil trade reports

- The Swiss Win a Big Victory For Bank Privacy

- Guess What Happened The Last Time The Price Of Oil Plunged Below 38 Dollars A Barrel?

- The little peaceful country that crushes the rest of Europe

- Moscow expects ‘unpredictable’ Ankara will avoid further reckless actions

- ‘Embarrassing to defend’: US general blasts Raytheon’s GPS control system a ‘disaster’

- FEAR of Terrorism Is Much More Dangerous than Actual Terrorism

- Eyewitnesses Describe Terrorist Shooters As “White”

- Just How Dangerous Is Terrorism, Really?

- Google Chairman Wants ‘Hate-Speech Spell-Checker’ to Filter Internet

- Pro-Gun Groups to Stage Fake Mass Shooting at University of Texas

- FBI admits using Stingrays, hacking computers and software

- Snowden: Armed Citizen in Garland Did What Surveillance State Couldn’t

- A “Liberal” Reported Me to the Police For Criticizing Islam

- Rapper “Rick Ross” Calls For Trump’s Assassination

- Merkel Narrowly Beats ISIS Leader, Caitlyn Jenner as Time’s ‘Person of the Year’

- VIDEO: For Almost Two Terms Obama Has Been Saying Change “Won’t Happen Overnight”

- Bernie Sanders Tweets Out Support for Unconstitutional No-fly List Gun Ban

- Increasing attacks on Muslims caused by media-hyped Islamophobia

- Study: 21 Per Cent of Syrians Support ISIS

- IMF allows lending to countries with arrears; Russia to go to court over Ukraine debt

- A tale of two home invasions

- Political Assassination – Terror or Plots

- The IMF Just Entered The Cold War, Forgives Ukraine's Debt To Russia

- In Lehman Rerun, Banks Are Buying Protection Against Their Own Systemic Demise Again

- America Crosses The Tipping Point: The Middle Class Is Now A Minority

- China Says Turkey Needs To Respect Iraq's Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity

- "We Are Living Amid An Islamic Threat", French Mayor Says

- "Outing" The Over-Confidence Of Our Central Bank Overlords

- Economic Growth: How It Works, How It Fails, & Why Wealth Disparity Occurs

- Huffington Post Calls for Government to Seize All Firearms

- How Many People Were Shot Near Your Home This Year

- 1 Christian: 236 of 237 Syrian Refugees Admitted Since Paris Attacks Are Muslims

- Hillary Clinton Abused Her State Department Role To Help Her Hedge Funder Son-In-Law

- "Come To Us, We'll Show You Paradise" Salafist 'Aid Workers' Recruit Refugees In Germany

Articles From The Tip Of The Spear  12/10/2015

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